
Are you ready to learn detailed information about the planet Earth? Then I am doing the distribution of tasks right now. 😊👇

1-) ESİLA, will write the lines starting with " E, A, R " for our acrostic poem of Earth.

2-) DMYTRO, will write the lines starting with " T, H " for our acrostic poem of Earth.

3-) SEMANUR ( YAHO ), will create a game on Wordwall. You can prepare question types about the features of Earth.

4-) CANSU, will prepare a poster of Earth. You can prepare it on Canva and use logos of our project and eTwinning.

5-) ELİF NUR B, will prepare a video about Earth. You can use some pictures and some basic information abouth Earth. You can use Canva or Rendersforest.

6-) HÜSEYİN, will prepare a Wordart about Earth. You can use 5 or 6 words related to the Earth planet like its colour, size etc.

7-) AVŞİN, will create a jigsaw puzzle of Earth. First you should make a banner or logo of EARTH on CANVA then you will use this banner or logo to create Jigsaw puzzle. You can create your puzzle on Jigsawplanet.

8-) SEMANUR D., will create a game on Wordwall. You can prepare question types about the features of Earth.

9-) SEMANUR K., create a handmade maquette of EARTH. You can use balloon, ball or play dough to shape your planet and then you should colour it.

DEADLINE2nd of May

You can ask whatever you want about the tasks on forum. I am looking forward to your wonderful works. 💓


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