Are you ready to learn detailed information about the planet Earth? Then I am doing the distribution of tasks right now. 😊👇
1-) ESİLA, will write the lines starting with " E, A, R " for our acrostic poem of Earth.
2-) DMYTRO, will write the lines starting with " T, H " for our acrostic poem of Earth.
3-) SEMANUR ( YAHO ), will create a game on Wordwall. You can prepare question types about the features of Earth.
4-) CANSU, will prepare a poster of Earth. You can prepare it on Canva and use logos of our project and eTwinning.
5-) ELİF NUR B, will prepare a video about Earth. You can use some pictures and some basic information abouth Earth. You can use Canva or Rendersforest.
6-) HÜSEYİN, will prepare a Wordart about Earth. You can use 5 or 6 words related to the Earth planet like its colour, size etc.
7-) AVŞİN, will create a jigsaw puzzle of Earth. First you should make a banner or logo of EARTH on CANVA then you will use this banner or logo to create Jigsaw puzzle. You can create your puzzle on Jigsawplanet.
8-) SEMANUR D., will create a game on Wordwall. You can prepare question types about the features of Earth.
9-) SEMANUR K., create a handmade maquette of EARTH. You can use balloon, ball or play dough to shape your planet and then you should colour it.
DEADLINE: 2nd of May
You can ask whatever you want about the tasks on forum. I am looking forward to your wonderful works. 💓
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