Hello to everyone,

Ready to learn about the planet Mars? Let me distribute the tasks among my students. 😉👇

1-) ELÄ°FNUR will create wordart about MARS. You can visit website of WORDART or you can download its application to create your wordart. You can write some features about it like its colour, size etc. )

2-) BEYZA will create maquette of MARS. This maquette will be a handmade material.You can use baloon,ball or play dough to shape your planet and then you should colour it. )

3-) ESMA will write the poem. Our poem will be acrostic so your letters are " M & A ". )

4-) HALÄ°S will create a poster about Mars. You can use Canva for it. You should write a slogan on your poster and also add eTwinning logo. )

5-) HAYRUNÄ°SA will make a maquette of Mars. This maquette will be a handmade material. You can use balloon, ball or play dough to shape your planet and then you should colour it. )

6-) ZAHAR will create a game on Wordwall. You should visit the website of WORDWALL to create your game. This game can be about features of MARS. )

7-) ELÄ°F ECRÄ°N will prepare a video about MARS. There is no need to give detailed information. Just write basic information about it. You can use CANVA or RENDERFOREST to create your own video. )

8-) BÃœNYAMÄ°N will write a poem. Our poem will be acrostic so your letters are " R & S ". )

9-) MUHAMMET FURKAN will create a jigsaw puzzle of Mars. First you should make a banner or logo of MARS on CANVA then you will use this banner or logo to create a Jigsaw puzzle. )

10-) BOGDAN A. will create a mindmap about MARS by using basic information about it. 

I believe you will do your best. 😉

If you have questions, please ask! ✋

Let's start our exploration of MARS! 💪

                                                                                                                            DEADLINE: 2nd of May


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